
Hi, I’m Mel. I’m a food-obsessive, not possessive. My food is for sharing, like my blog where I hope to share recipes, of all things edible and drinkable. Recently, I have also become more interested in enhancing my skills, for things like brewing, butchery, baking techniques, and other cuisines. This blog should help me remember those things, and share the new skills developing – for good and bad.

Mel, of the edible things

I am a British expat living, growing, foraging and cooking in the Netherlands, and co-habiting with my partner (The Big Guy, or BG).  I am also a lot of other stuff, like keen on animals, a dog sitter to my friends, a person with a deep fascination with zoology and natural history, and someone who sometimes calls herself an environmentalist. Luckily for you, this blog is only about the things in the first sentence, although I cannot guarantee that some of the other stuff won’t pop up like that aunty who always turns up at Christmas – complete with hairy, too-small jumpers for the whole family. Even the dog.

I have also become my parents – both of them. Most adult children spend years trying to deny this, but I have embraced this from probably the time I left home. From my dad, I have veggie-growing and soil-digging skills. I did not get my mum’s eye for garden design, though. If you cannot eat it, I am mostly not interested. From my mum I have been passed down cookery skills. My mum has always cooked food for us from scratch. I absorbed a lot of information from her. I also inherited her legs, and stubbornness. My sarcasm I developed all by myself.

I used to make biscuits and cakes after the Sunday lunch had been cleared away. I guess that my cooking really took off at university, when I suddenly realised that ‘packet food’ was both expensive, and not as nice as the stuff I had at home. It took a few experiments, and the odd (Ok, more like loads of) disasters, but I haven’t looked back.

I have divided the blog into a few categories, which might seem grandiose, but I think sums up its aims in a nice little alliterative collection.


Posts in this category will be about my garden, the stuff I grow, and how I make use of it. I realise that my modest urban garden is very far from any traditional sense of a farm, and does not keep me entirely, but you try finding a word beginning with F that will work for this purpose.

Why not try some farmed favourites?


This category will be for foraging. I guess most people have gone brambling at some point, but I really started to get interest in this a few years ago, and now am delighted when I find a new nut tree, or patch of greens, or whatever. If I am honest, I was attracted to this kind of food, because of food miles, but very soon discovered that rootling about in woods and fields is a fantastic way to spend a few hours.

These are things that I found, of which I am fond:


Obviously, this section is for the enjoyment of the edible things! These will be my own recipes, or techniques that I want to share or learn.

These are some very fitting feasts:


This is the section where I will chronicle my adventures in brewing stuff. Mostly drinkable, I hope.

Try these tipples:


This category is where I will be recommending food experiences that I have loved. I am not a critic, and have no desire to criticise others, so this will only be the good stuff.

So, as you can tell, I love all things edible (and drinkable).  Maybe you will dip in, or maybe you’ll come along for the ride. Either way, I’m pleased to meet you!

Feel free to contact me, or find me on Facebook or Twitter.


17 responses to “About

  1. AnnaCKeenanAnna K

    “I guess most people have gone brambling at some point.”

    I disagree there – you are one of the special few among us! And I totally look forward to reading your blog and learning how you do it all!

  2. KC

    Thanks Mel! This blog inspires me to cook more and waste less food.

    • I was just thikning of this blog post this morning – when we were at our local farmer’s market and I kept seeing things referred to as “brambles”. Glad I’d read it prior to going out so I knew what everyone was on about

  3. This is torture of the worst kind – reading all about Mel’s cooking but not being able to eat it!

    I’m looking forward to it, and will try to emulate what I can given the climate down south.

  4. Bianca

    Awesome Mel! Loving the categories and looking forward to trying some of your recipes x

  5. simon

    stick me on yer list please love!

  6. Julie Allen

    Hi Mel,
    Great to read your blog and see your posts on Facebook.
    I’ve been foraging for blackberries and made my own jam which turned out really well. I’ve also been on a mushroom foraging course for the day which was great but still a little nervous going out on my own. We also have a pub just round the corner from me called “The Forager” and yes the chef does serve up some foraged delicacies including Samphire, the rest is locally sourced/organic and very tasty. I’m hoping to do more interesting cooking especially as I’m on a wheat and dairy free diet for a few weeks. Sp thanks for the inspiration. Happy cooking, and eating and drinking of course.

  7. LOVELY to meet you through Twitter and my Herbs on Saturday Blog event……Karen

  8. Mel, I’m very happy to find your blog and do hope that some of your love and knowledge of natural history and zoology will somehow find its way into the posts!

  9. Hi Mel, You’re right about the quirky categories – they work just fine when set out and explained in this section 🙂 Thanks again for the input 🙂

  10. Hi Mel, what a fun introduction! I love your categories and explanations, and look forward to hearing more from you! Best wishes in all of your cooking and gardening adventures!

  11. petra08

    hi Mel
    I hope all is good 🙂 As I love your blog I have nominated you for a One Lovely Blog Award! I really enjoy following your foodie adventures and experiments!
    You can read about it here and I hope you will accept!

    Sweet as chocolate cake, A lovely blog award

    • Hi Petra,

      Thank you so much for the nomination. I will have to go and read more about it.
      I’ve been so busy lately, I’ve not had much time to write blog posts, but all is well. I hope that you have enjoyed some sunny days and outdoor dining lately too 🙂

      • petra08

        hello Mel

        oh no worries at all and no hurry 🙂 I love reading your blog. I haven’t been that great myself in posting blogs but that is life! And yes, lovely sunny days, just came in from a snooze in the sunshine! 🙂

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